It's been a bit more than a year since I started designing wedding stationery (one of my favorite things to do). It all happened without really planning it, when my good friends Amanda and Darren asked me to make an illustration of them for their wedding invititation. Once I finished the illustration I asked them who was designing the invitations but they haven't thought so far. So I designed my first wedding invite for my friends as a wedding gift.
After that, because of the power of word of mouth I continued designing and hand-crafting beautiful invitations for lovely couples, each of them unique and special.
But in the last few months I decided to take the next step and start doing some marketing initiatives. The first one is participating at one of the most important Bridal Shows in Cape Town: Tygervalley Bridal Expo which is starting tomorrow! Yes: I'm super excited and nervous. It's the very first time I'll have a stand, well, actually the first time I'll have designed a stand too. So really looking forward to it. I've been working long hours getting ready to showcase my work. Thank you to my patient fiance that has helped with the sanding, cutting, drilling, etc, etc... couldn't have made it without him.
Here are some sneak peak pictures of the process-making of Mocho Loco's stand... Really looking forward to meeting many brides that are dreaming on their perfect wedding day same as me...
If you are getting married soon and want to check out the expo or just stop by to say "hi", the Expo is taking place from Thursday 30 August to Sunday 2 September from 9am to 7pm at Tygervalley shopping centre (free entrance).
See you there!!!