Dime con quien te juntas y te dire quien eres... | Tell me who is your friend and I'll tell you who you are..
When Arri and I decided to have the wedding in South Africa I knew I wanted to have bridesmaids (a tradition we don’t have were I come from and that I only knew from movies but that I completely love).
I’m so thankful to my best friends because without them I wouldn’t be who I am. My bestest friends from childhood with whom I shared wonderful stories and I know I can count with no matter where we are... and my bestest friends from South Africa; without them I would have never been able to cope with moving to a new country with such different language, ways and culture.
I always told myself whenever dating “Friends always first” So it’s still today that my friends come first –of course the day I say “yes” he will become family and that will be different... but for now, my girls have priority!
So I wanted the “proposal” to be something more special than just a phone call, sms or email. I saw long time ago in a wedding blog a great idea a girl did to ask her bridesmaids. She made a box and inside a card and some goodies... I knew my girls didn’t deserve anything less than that...
So I made these 6 wooden suitcases that I named “Friendship road trip through life” with the cover inspired by an original illustration that tallented Amelia from The Sometimes Zoo did for Sarah and Warren.
I made 3 bigger boxes for the girls that live in SA and smaller ones for the girls in Argentina so I could post them with no problem. For the girls in South Africa I organized a picnic... We were meant to hike my favorite route of Table Mountain but the day couldn’t have been worst... So we ended up having the picnic inside the dog’s house... it’s more like a tree house and I was surprised we all fitted in comfortably. For the girls in Argentina I had some help from my mom who couldn’t be more cute. She invited them all to her place for tea and gave them the boxes.
Thankfully all of them said yes straight away! Would have been quite disappointing otherwise.
Inside the boxes I included:
. A set of cards with info about the wedding and the bridesmaids duties (feel beautiful, hold some gorgeous flowers and wipe away my happy tears).
. A handkerchief with inspiring friendship phrases that I hand‐made myself (sewing and printing).
. A handkerchief with inspiring friendship phrases that I hand‐made myself (sewing and printing).
. A calendar with pictures that I took through last year that represent love in some way.
. A hand-‐written card telling each of them why they are so special to me.
. A letter‐block from an old letter press with their first initial.
. Color swatches that I like for the wedding.
. A letter‐block from an old letter press with their first initial.
. Color swatches that I like for the wedding.
Preparing each of the boxes took me some time (of course there was an English version and a Spanish version) but I must admit I enjoyed every little bit of the making... Besides my friends deserve that and a lot more.
This is so special. What a beautiful idea.